You work in a technical field, and you know your stuff. You are respected for your knowledge in the field. And then, you are moved into a leadership position. In an instant, everything changes. Suddenly, new skills are needed. If you are like most, little has been...
Accountability. It’s a hot topic of conversation and frequently a topic filled with frustration. Managers complain that staff don’t take responsibility for completing a job on time and with high quality, or that staff don’t take ownership for the work. It is easy to...
You have goals for profit, pressure from clients, and expenses to manage. In that environment, how can you justify the financial and time investment in leadership training? After all, you need your top people working on projects that generate profit. In a competitive...
Whether on television, social media, or in newspapers, it seems we’ve lost a sense of respect. Increasingly with clients, I hear concern about the lack of civility at work. Impoliteness, one-sided viewpoints, and terse language create a tense mood which isn’t helpful...
Managing stress during Stress Awareness month – that stresses me out. It seems like everyone talks about being constantly busy and tired. It’s a feeling of perpetual motion without much room to breathe. While the chaos can feel out of control, you are in...
In the modern workplace, where collaboration, innovation, and productivity are paramount, the concept of psychological safety has emerged as a crucial factor in creating successful and high-performing teams. But what is psychological safety? Psychological safety...