Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Stuck Stories: What’s Really Going On and What Can I Do About It?
Have you noticed that some situations trigger a negative voice in your head? Perhaps it is, “I’m not good enough,” I have to achieve to be worthy,” “They won’t choose me,” “I’m not smart enough.” It’s a stuck story and it hits quickly and powerfully. Stuck stories are...
Seven Ways Leaders Can Improve Memory Retention
Does information seem to pass through your mind like a sieve? Do you find that the information from that conference call this morning escapes you this afternoon? Research in neuroscience is providing clues to how your brain encodes, stores and retrieves memories. The...
Four Steps to Creating Your Aha Moment
You know when it happens…that flash of insight, moment of inspiration, the proverbial aha moment, or the solution that pops into your head when you’re not expecting it. It feels like magic and hopefully comes at just the right moment. But can you encourage that moment...
Stop Shooting Yourself in the Foot! Learn to Recognize and Manage Triggered Reactions
Stop Shooting Yourself in the Foot! Learn to Recognize and Manage Triggered Reactions We all have them…those hot-button issues, things that get under our skin. When one of them happens it triggers an over-reaction that is emotion-filled, quick and is probably not in...
Get Rid of Analysis Paralysis Once and For All
You know what it’s like…constantly seeking more data. More data leads to more analysis. More analysis brings up more questions. More questions provoke the need for more data. And so it goes, round and round…like a dog chasing its tail. It wastes your time, your...
For Effective Leaders…Five Reasons why “Feelings” is Not a Dirty Word
For Effective Leaders…5 Reasons why “Feelings” is Not a Dirty Word “There’s no place for feelings at work!” I heard it frequently as a young engineer. Thankfully, I learned this admonition was impossible to achieve and very bad for my career. Today, after interviewing...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
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Featured Blog Posts
Flip the Switches in the Brain: 5 Ways to Motivate Your Team, Staff or Client
The brain has two important electrical circuits for motivation. One activates feelings of reward and the other, feelings of threat. Whether staff, teams or clients, the reward circuit is the more reliable, long-term motivator of behavior. Unfortunately, the threat...
Reap the Rewards of a Checklist: Two Easy Steps
Pilots use it; some doctors use it. The benefits of its use have been documented. What is it? A simple checklist. Are you taking advantage of it? My sister and her husband are pilots. Each time I fly with them they pull out their pre-flight checklist. Even with hours...
Kindness Matters
Where are the keys? They must be here somewhere. I drove to Starbucks between a meeting and my flight home. Clearly, I had the keys when I arrived. The Starbucks staff helped me search. No keys. "Maybe you left them in the car?" they offered. Maybe. It's worth...
The Number One Way to Show Respect at Work
I didn’t see it coming. The executives were gathered for our work on communication skills for the sake of enhancing productivity. (Poor communication skills are a leading cause of productivity loss.) Based on their input, we had flip charts around the room each with...
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