Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Rethink Financial Rewards: Four Rewards that Really Matter
Money, prestige, power, promotion. These are rewards that matter – right? We tend to believe that employees must be rewarded with money. That's the default. Not so fast. The way businesses are rewarding their employees are changing as more managers are looking to...
Why Self-Evaluation is Essential for Leaders
It’s inevitable. At some point you make a decision that doesn’t go well. The astute leader takes time to assess the decision-making process and determine what worked or didn’t. To appreciate why self-evaluation is essential, we need to understand more about the brain....
Three Tips to More Performance with Less Stress
The deadline for a big work or study project is approaching. The deadline creates just enough stress to focus you on the task. But the stress doesn't stop there. While working on the big project, three others show up with imminent due dates. Or, just as you were...
Managing Expectations: Should Leaders Aim High or Aim Low
Setting strategic goals is the job of a leader. And not just any goal will do. We are implored to set stretch goals or a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). But is that really a good idea? Neuroscience shows that falling short of expectations launches a downward spiral...
Hot Buttons: Four Ways to Manage Your Reaction
(Hint: Some are better than others!) Hot buttons: Some arrive unexpectedly in an instant and others you know well. In either case, hot buttons issues have a serious impact on your ability to make effective decisions. A hot button issue is a memory stored in one of the...
The Leadership Perils of Suppressing Emotion
In leadership positions it’s inevitable that situations arise that generate an emotional reaction. Some emotions are low grade but others are like five-alarm fires. We are taught to control our emotions in the workplace to be credible, strong and unshakable. “Don’t...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
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To Counteract Uncertainty: Stabilize
There’s a reason that we experience resistance to change whether it’s us personally or staff. The brain wants the world it experiences today to be as expected based on its past. The brain likes “the way we’ve always done it before.” That’s easy, comfortable and...
Control: Take It or Give It
Is there someone you work with who could use a little motivation? Could you use a little motivation? You can’t motivate someone else if you can’t motivate yourself and, frankly, we could all use a little motivation sometime. Too often we think of motivation as money...
Three Tips to See Past Your Wiring for Good Decisions
You’re wired to see what you already believe. It’s a simple statement but the implications for decision-making are complex. What you already believe is built layer upon layer from your experiences which create a filter through which you see the world. Good...
Knee Jerk Decisions Creating Havoc? Notice the Clues from Your Body (Video)
When a person or situation triggers you, learn to recognize how it feels in your body. That’s your first line of defense to slow a knee-jerk reaction. Subscribe
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