Three Tips to More Performance with Less Stress

The deadline for a big work or study project is approaching. The deadline creates just enough stress to focus you on the task. But the stress doesn’t stop there. While working on the big project, three others show up with imminent due dates. Or, just as you were...

Hot Buttons: Four Ways to Manage Your Reaction

(Hint: Some are better than others!) Hot buttons: Some arrive unexpectedly in an instant and others you know well. In either case, hot buttons issues have a serious impact on your ability to make effective decisions. A hot button issue is a memory stored in one of the...

The Leadership Perils of Suppressing Emotion

In leadership positions it’s inevitable that situations arise that generate an emotional reaction. Some emotions are low grade but others are like five-alarm fires. We are taught to control our emotions in the workplace to be credible, strong and unshakable. “Don’t...