Go With Your Gut: Effective Decision-Making in an Over-Thinking World

This in-depth and thought-provoking program gives your managers the opportunity to probe the effectiveness of their decision-making whether too fast or too slow. Applying insights from neuroscience, this interactive and engaging program brings new skills to the most experienced manager.

Your leaders and managers leave with valuable insights to instantly improve decision-making and their relationships with co-workers. In this fast-paced and changing environment, decision-makers and staff must see beyond the data to understand how their brain and gut sway decisions whether they know it or not. It’s best to know.

If your organization wants to enhance decision making, reduce workplace drama and improve productivity, then this workshop with its optional mini-book workbook. The workshop format provides additional time for discussion and application to their specific workplace situations with customers and co-workers.

Program Features

  • Pre-event calls with organizers to understand program goals.
  • Interviews with up to three participants to hear their perspectives.
  • 1 to 2-minute promotional video about your event.
  • Tailored program including interactive engagement.
  • Tailored worksheet to aid retention.
  • Free 35-page PDF of The Handbook for Technical Leaders: Ten Top Skills for Managers by Shelley Row, PE, CSP.
  • Follow-up emails about the key points to prompt application.

Purchase Books for Your Next Event

The minibuk makes a perfect low-cost, high-value give-away at your event. Plus, it is a convenient reminder of the key points from the program.

Just a Few of the Many Clients that Trust Shelley

What clients are saying…

Shelley is a dynamic speaker who did a great job engaging the audience at our conference. Her interactive keynote address was a nice change of pace for our group and was a big part of what made this year’s event successful.

Brandon Campbell
Executive Secretary/Treasurer of Transportation Engineers Association of Missouri (TEAM)

Shelley is a master presenter. She engages the audience as if each person is the only one there.  Tremendous value across the board and this is valuable for any industry.

Cheri Hull
Assistant Director, Leadership and Employee Engagement, Arizona DOT

Shelley is not only knowledgeable but her demeanor is infectious – you will want to use all of the skills that you learn.

Claudette Twichell
Solstice Environmental

She completely understands how to be a leader and how to convey those qualities of a leader to others so they can learn. Very motivational!

Erin Culp
Jacobs Engineering

It’s decision time. Ready to take the first step?